
We offer training in a number of key areas. We can provide training either on-site or classroom training. All training is conducted by industry experts.

Our training services are based on significant experience within industry, regulatory and conducting accident investigations. We are able to provide training in a number of key areas. Training is critical to ensure a competent workforce, as such we can support clients to deliver training or refresher training as and when required.

Pipeline CC can provide 1 and 2 day courses which would provide attendees with key training deliverables. For more information, please see our range of courses below.

Training is the key to a competent workforce

Our Courses

  • Pipeline Compliance Training

    This course provides attendees with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand compliance requirements within the pipeline industry both onshore and offshore.

  • Right of Way Management Training

    This course provides guidance and training on industry best practices for pipeline Right of Way (RoW) Management.

  • Damage Prevention Program Training

    Our Damage Prevention Program Training shall provide guidance on the processes and procedures that should be applied as part of an Onshore Pipeline Damage Prevention Program.

  • Defect Assessment Training

    Given the increasing age of the pipeline networks within the UK, it is becoming increasingly important for operators to demonstrate the safe operation of assets and secondly for the regulator to understand best practice in fitness for service assessment methods.

Contact us.

If you would like more information about our Training courses then please contact us using the button below